The Coach’s Blog

Being Coached by an AI… Seriously?!

Being Coached by an AI… Seriously?!

Being Coached by an AI. . . Seriously ?!Dernière mise à jour: We’re seeing more and more articles praising the coaching capabilities of AI: promises of quick advice, precise analyses, and pseudo-compassion. But entrusting your doubts, ambitions, or struggles...

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Coaching, therapy, mentoring – What differences

Coaching, therapy, mentoring – What differences

Coaching, Therapy, Mentoring,What difference ?Dernière mise à jour: Coaching and its alternativesIn a previous blog, we explored some good reasons to invest in a coach’s services.Good Reasons to Invest in a Coach’s ServicesBut could there actually be poor...

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A coach ? What for ?

A coach ? What for ?

Choosing a CoachDernière mise à jour: How can a coach help?This is usually one of the first questions people ask me when I introduce myself. Coaches can be found in practically every imaginable field—from “weight-loss” coaches to “cooking” coaches, and even...

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The Drama Triangle

The Drama Triangle

The Drama TriangleDernière mise à jour: or Karpman Trianglewhat is it and how to get out of it ?The Drama Triangle is a dynamic involving three roles, in which communication is distorted by the position each participant adoptsLet’s clarify right away: this...

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Life coach for executives. Career and life transitions, professional development coaching. Work-life balance coach and Interqualia Flow skills assessment consultant. Improving well-being at work. Certified coach in Switzerland, Lausanne, Yverdon, Geneva and Online. France & Canada © 2018 – 2024 – Design and production Alternatives and Transitions Coaching