Unlock your

Mental fitness

Emotional Intelligence Coach
for executives, managers, project leaders

image d'un P majuscule bleu avec le signe plus pour le coaching en Intelligence positive

Why strengthen your emotional resilience ?

Building and strengthening mental strength is :

    • about looking at your future in a new way
    • boosting your operating mode
    • reacting positively rather than negatively
      to challenges in your personal and  professional life
    • rebounding more quickly after a setback
      i.e. developing resilience
    • promoting peace of mind
      and improving well-being
    • building positive relationships
      with colleagues and family
    • developing optimal performance

How are you going to be coached ?

  • a free assessment
    without any commitment and independent of any coaching formula, to discover your main Saboteurs in details
  • a “mental fitness” program
    using a smartphone application
  • personalised support
    throughout your 6-week program

What can you expect from the mental fitness coaching program ?

Whether in addition to a coaching program or followed independently, this mental fitness program will enable you to get :

    • intimate understanding
           – of one’s own modus operandi
      – the modus operandi of other players
    • a better perception of circumstances
    • leadership
      with a more powerful impact
    • boosted success rate
      for your projects
    • restored self-confidence

Who is this mental fitness tool for ?

For senior managers and their staff who want to better understand and manage more effectively the way they deal with daily situations, develop their Emotional Intelligence skills and regain control of their minds.

Grow your Emotional Intelligence competencies and tap into the full potential of your career’s challenges

Develop your full potential, take the test

Mesure your mental fitness PQ score assessment

drawing of a neuron, showing the neuronal path between a positive and a negative emotion decision
To develop new neural connections –  a real “brain training” – to adopt more appropriate, positive and efficient behavior patterns, this is the straightforward principle of the Mental Fitness program. This mental training will help you master the flow of your limiting thoughts –those little voices whispering to you that you won’t succeed, that it’s better not to change anything or that you won’t find a job as interesting again – boost confidence in your talents and help you adopt new behaviours that will unleash your true potential, with lasting results on your ability to develop your career, your performance and well-being and on your family and social relationships.

A tailor-made coaching program

Whether you decide to take advantage of extended coaching sessions, or whether you prefer to start with the Mental Fitness program only, the content is the same:
    • the Saboteurs test, with detailed report
    • the official 6-week mental fitness program
    • 1 weekly video to be viewed on your mobile app
    • three 2-minutes challenges, 4 days a week, designed to fit easily into your day, with a daily focus
    • the smartphone app, so you can train and measure your progress online
    • the possibility of using the application for one year after the course, with all its content
    • personalised support, within a small local team of participants (3 to 5 people) or individually as part of a coaching program
    • and, if you are not yet following a coaching program, a free hour of coaching (videoconference) at the end of the program, totally focused on you, on a subject of your choice.

copie d'écran de l'application de Mental Fitness montrant lécran d'accueil, les lettres PQ sur fond bleu

copie d'écran de l'application de Mental Fitness montrant le tableau de bord de l'app

copie d'écran de l'application de Mental Fitness montrant des exemples du travail contre les Saboteurs

copie d'écran de l'application Mental Fitness montrant les exercices du Sage

copie d'écran de l'application Mental Fitness montrant des exemples d'exercices quotidiens

copie d'écran de l'application Mental Fitness montrant un focus du jour

copie d'écran de l'application Mental Fitness montrant les thèmes traités

Mental Fitness App screenshots
As a Certified Mental Fitness Coach, I am able to offer you a preferential rate and provide you with personalised support.

Share the program with your family and colleagues

For a greater benefit, set up your own pod with your staff, team, colleagues, friends or family members. And get at the same time a discount). Take this opportunity to develop a new team spirit.

You take no risks : I offer a 100% money-back guarantee during the first 15 days of the program!

Life coach for senior executives, managers, projetc leaders. Work-life balance, career change. Developing Emotional Intelligence competencies. Certified Mental Fitness Coach, Flow assessment, Certified coach in Switzerland, Lausanne, Yverdon, Geneva and Online. France & Canada © 2018 - 2024 - Design and production Alternatives and Transitions Coaching